Lab IRoS, Fasilkom UI Intelligent Robots and Systems (IRoS) Lab, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia

Welcome to the Intelligent Robots and Systems (IRoS) Lab

Intelligent Robot and Systems (IRoS)

The IRoS Lab focuses on research related to the development of intelligent robotic systems. The areas of study include multimodal sensor systems, data representation and analytics models for decision making in robotic systems, and dynamic robotic actuator systems.

News Update

08/JAN/2024: Our new website is now online!


Our Publications

Our Publications

See the compilation of all our members’ published works.

Our Research Projects

Our Research Projects

IRoS lab focuses on developing intellligent systems for robotics, biomedicine, and life/social sciences. See our past and current research projects.

Our Team Members

Our Team Members

Our team members are actively developing artificial intelligent systems for various purposes, especially robots, drones, embedded systems, computer vision, medicine, etc. Here are our key members of our lab.